To reduce body weight, one essentially requires physical activities and exercises. These activities and exercises help people to reduce body fat, through burning extra calories per day. To reduce one Pound (about 0.45 Kg) of body weight, one needs to burn about 3500 calories. This means that to lose one pound in a week, one is required to burn 500 calories per day. Such burning of calories can be made through a variety of physical activities, sports, Cardiovascular exercises, and resistance and weight trainings. Jumping Rope is one of the most popular and convenient Cardiovascular Exercises for reduction of body weight by women, kids, and men also. This inexpensive and very convenient exercise can be used for reducing weight, with or without other activities or exercises for weight loss, depending upon the amount of desired weight loss in the schooled span of time.
This Jumping rope fun-filled exercise has many benefits besides the weight loss. This exercise is very supportive to the lymphatic system of the body, makes heart strong, and improves body coordination and balance. Jumping Rope is elegant enough to burn 10 to 15 calories in a minute, depending upon the weight of the person, gender, body fat percentage, and speed of rope jumping. A person weighing 60 kg can easily burn 475-600 calories per hour while jumping rope at slow to moderate pace.
To make this highly appreciated weight loss exercise for men/boys and women/girls maximally beneficial and effective, the following points are noteworthy: ---
1. Set a Long-Term Goa - Once you have finally decided to lose weight by jumping rope, set a long-term weight reduction goal, say, losing 10 Pounds in a month or two. Setting a goal will keep you sincerely dedicated to this regular task.
2. Buy the Perfect Jump Rope - After setting the weight-loss goal, make prompt purchase of a perfect jump rope. Making any delay in this, may postpone your task or cancel for infinite time. The most suitable length of your jump rope depends on your height and arm length. The handles of the jump rope should conveniently come up to your armpits, when you stand on the middle of the rope with both feet straight. Again, the jump rope should be heavy enough, so that it could easily be rotated, along with being durable. A leather jump rope satisfies these requirements. Lastly, the handles of jump rope must facilitate firm and comfortable griping, in addition to supporting smoother rotations through use of ball bearings, etc.
3. Select the Right Place and Surface - For performing the exercise of jumping rope, you need at least a 4x6 foot area, and approximately 10 Inches of headroom [i.e. open space above your head]. The surface of the area must be even, clean, pleasantly soft to feet, and non-entangling. Therefore, the surface selected for jumping rope should not be concrete, asphalt, carpet, or grass. The most suitable surfaces for this purpose are wood floor, impact mat, or an even piece of strong plywood. Wearing properly fitted athletic shoes is recommended to prevent soreness of knees and pain on joints.
4. Start An Easier Routine of Daily Exercise - In the starting phase, keep your exercise routine easier. You may start this jumping rope exercise for ten minutes every day, for one week or two. Do stay high on your toes, and let your body bear the jerks and shocks. Gradually, keep increasing the duration of jumping rope, as per your stamina and set goal of weight loss.
5. Relish the Exercise - To stay connected to the daily exercise routine, and gain the best possible benefits, you must relish the jumping rope exercise.
6. Follow A Strict Dieting Regimen - Consume daily only the average calories necessary for a sedentary person of your age. But, these calories should come from healthy meals, which are both rich in nutrition and low in fat content, our weight loss e-book contains opulent and very helpful information regarding such food items to be consumed by men, women, or kids. Here, it must be noted that proper and strict diet for weight loss is absolutely necessary for expedite the weight reduction process.
7. Keep Track of Your Progress - Do keep a record of how you are progressing with your daily weight loss exercise, and how much weight you are losing gradually. Then, adjust the things as per your target.
8. Increase Frequency and Intensity Gradually - After you have mastered the singles, try to perform double-unders and triple-unders, through jumping higher and rotating the rope faster. Try to make the greatest possible number of repetitions in 30 seconds, then take rest for 30-90 seconds between two sets or cycles, and then repeat it for 5-10 cycles if possible.
9. Use Music to Energize You - You may turn on some music to entertain and invigorate you while jumping rope, and thus avert the monotony of the workout.
10. Maintain Healthy Dieting and Exercise - To stay healthy and fit after the weight-loss program, do keep a healthy diet plan, along with some physical activities or jumping rope routinely.