Following strictly an apt and convenient dieting regimen is pre-requisite for success of a slimming or weight loss program. This web-piece offers very useful and marvelous information about the best diet plans for women fitness, useful for female of varying age, activity level, health conditions.
The female meal plan for getting lean, must include only those food items which are low in calories but highly rich in necessary nutrients. In general, the average daily calories taken by a woman aged between 25 and 45 years and subject to moderate level of activities, should be about 1800. And, for moderately active teenage girls aged between 15-25 years, this daily calorie requirement is about 2000 calories. In order to lose weight, they must not take more than the specified amount of calories. Again, in order to lose about 2 Kg of weight in one month, they have to burn about 500 calories per day through relevant exercises, out of this daily calorific intake.
The female meal plan for getting lean, must include only those food items which are low in calories but highly rich in necessary nutrients. In general, the average daily calories taken by a woman aged between 25 and 45 years and subject to moderate level of activities, should be about 1800. And, for moderately active teenage girls aged between 15-25 years, this daily calorie requirement is about 2000 calories. In order to lose weight, they must not take more than the specified amount of calories. Again, in order to lose about 2 Kg of weight in one month, they have to burn about 500 calories per day through relevant exercises, out of this daily calorific intake.
The most suitable and globally preferred constituents of such a meal plan for slimming or losing weight for both men and women are vegetables and fruits, low-fat milk and various other dairy products, lean meat and poultry, unsaturated cooking oils, fish and seafood, whole grains and cereals, legumes and beans, soya products, dry fruits, seeds and nuts, etc. To discover, more about such food items, and elegant weight loss guide for teenage girls as well as aged women, please tune in our next Blog Post.