Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to Make Jumping Rope Most Effective for Weight Loss?

 To reduce body weight, one essentially requires physical activities and exercises. These activities and exercises help people to reduce body fat, through burning extra calories per day. To reduce one Pound (about 0.45 Kg) of body weight, one needs to burn about 3500 calories. This means that to lose one pound in a week, one is required to burn 500 calories per day. Such burning of calories can be made through a variety of physical activities, sports, Cardiovascular exercises, and resistance and weight trainings. Jumping Rope is one of the most popular and convenient Cardiovascular Exercises for reduction of body weight by women, kids, and men also. This inexpensive and very convenient exercise can be used for reducing weight, with or without other activities or exercises for weight loss, depending upon the amount of desired weight loss in the schooled span of time.

This Jumping rope fun-filled exercise has many benefits besides the weight loss. This exercise is very supportive to the lymphatic system of the body, makes heart strong, and improves body coordination and balance. Jumping Rope is elegant enough to burn 10 to 15 calories in a minute, depending upon the weight of the person, gender, body fat percentage, and speed of rope jumping. A person weighing 60 kg can easily burn 475-600 calories per hour while jumping rope at slow to moderate pace.  

To make this highly appreciated weight loss exercise for men/boys and women/girls maximally beneficial and effective, the following points are noteworthy: ---

1. Set a Long-Term Goa - Once you have finally decided to lose weight by jumping rope, set a long-term weight reduction goal, say, losing 10 Pounds in a month or two.  Setting a goal will keep you sincerely dedicated to this regular task.  

2. Buy the Perfect Jump Rope - After setting the weight-loss goal, make prompt purchase of a perfect jump rope. Making any delay in this, may postpone your task or cancel for infinite time. The most suitable length of your jump rope depends on your height and arm length. The handles of the jump rope should conveniently come up to your armpits, when you stand on the middle of the rope with both feet straight. Again, the jump rope should be heavy enough, so that it could easily be rotated, along with being durable. A leather jump rope satisfies these requirements. Lastly, the handles of jump rope must facilitate firm and comfortable griping, in addition to supporting smoother rotations through use of ball bearings, etc.  

3. Select the Right Place and Surface - For performing the exercise of jumping rope, you need at least a 4x6 foot area, and approximately 10 Inches of headroom [i.e. open space above your head]. The surface of the area must be even, clean, pleasantly soft to feet, and non-entangling. Therefore, the surface selected for jumping rope should not be concrete, asphalt, carpet, or grass. The most suitable surfaces for this purpose are wood floor, impact mat, or an even piece of strong plywood. Wearing properly fitted athletic shoes is recommended to prevent soreness of knees and pain on joints.   

4. Start An Easier Routine of Daily Exercise - In the starting phase, keep your exercise routine easier. You may start this jumping rope exercise for ten minutes every day, for one week or two. Do stay high on your toes, and let your body bear the jerks and shocks. Gradually, keep increasing the duration of jumping rope, as per your stamina and set goal of weight loss.  

5. Relish the Exercise - To stay connected to the daily exercise routine, and gain the best possible benefits, you must relish the jumping rope exercise. 

6. Follow A Strict Dieting Regimen - Consume daily only the average calories necessary for a sedentary person of your age. But, these calories should come from healthy meals, which are both rich in nutrition and low in fat content, our weight loss e-book contains opulent and very helpful information regarding such food items to be consumed by men, women, or kids. Here, it must be noted that proper and strict diet for weight loss is absolutely necessary for expedite the weight reduction process. 

7. Keep Track of Your Progress - Do keep a record of how you are progressing with your daily weight loss exercise, and how much weight you are losing gradually. Then, adjust the things as per your target.  

8. Increase Frequency and Intensity Gradually - After you have mastered the singles, try to perform double-unders and triple-unders, through jumping higher and rotating the rope faster. Try to make the greatest possible number of repetitions in 30 seconds, then take rest for 30-90 seconds between two sets or cycles, and then repeat it for 5-10 cycles if possible. 

9. Use Music to Energize You - You may turn on some music to entertain and invigorate you while jumping rope, and thus avert the monotony of the workout.

10. Maintain Healthy Dieting and Exercise - To stay healthy and fit after the weight-loss program, do keep a healthy diet plan, along with some physical activities or jumping rope routinely. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

10 Yoga Steps for Flatter Stomach in 15 Min 5 Days in Week

There are various ways of having the perfect body in which one can also opt for special diet plans, gym or rigorous exercise. Nevertheless there is yet another way of retaining the right body posture and fitness can be done through the ancient yet highly effective way of doing so through opting for yoga which is one way of getting the body that everyone wants and also retain the trilogy of keeping a healthy body, mind and soul. As it does not only aim at getting the body right, yoga for weight loss but is also a process of meditation that will make the brain and soul free from all the tension of life. 

Here are some of the most promising and yet highly progressive ways to do for stomach yoga that will help in maintaining the perfect flat stomach and also make it possible for anyone who wants to get the most endearing figure.  Some of the ways to get 10 yoga steps for flatter stomach in 15 minutes five days in a week as:

Warm-Up/Breath Work:

This pose requires sitting in cross-legged position and back straight with closed eyes and deep breathe in from the nose and breathe out from mouth. While breathing in hold for few seconds and then let it out. Repeat it for the whole process for three times the entire process.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

It consists of twelve positions that offer different position and affects in different body parts. The entire movement of the muscles and body part affects in different ways that will be accompanied with deep inhaling of air and exhaling. This helps in detoxification of the unwanted materials and air from the body.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend):

This includes the position of sitting on a yoga mat with feet straight and facing the ceiling, breathe in and stretch the arms in upward motion and bring the hands together. Then bring the hands to touch the toes and the head to touch the thighs for beginners or for others to touch the knees. Then pull the feet backwards and breathe in for 60 seconds and then slowly let it go.

Easy Spinal Twist:

These involve bringing the knees together and roll down into the back and hug the knees into the chest and very gently rock on each side. This will be followed by keeping the right knee into the chest and keep the left leg straight out on the floor. Take deep breath in and while exhaling bring the right knee across the body and keeping the shoulder blade on the floor, now put the right arm straight to the body and shoulders and head facing the right. 

Rock Up To Standing:

The position includes lying flat on the floor and with both knees on the chest and gently rock back and forth from the shoulders to hip. In the momentum of it try to rock up into the feet and stand up and hands can be used to push oneself for those who are not well skilled in doing it. 

Chair Pose:

As the name suggests the position involves standing and bringing the feet together and lowering the hips to let it sink in like in a sitting position. Then bring the hands in upward position parallel to the ears. Retain the position for 1 minute and forty-five seconds.


This involves lying flat on the mat and putting the feet and arms together in straight position then as breathing lift the chest and feet simultaneously. This includes the arms to be kept straight fingers outstretched towards the toes.


This is also known as bridge pose which involves lying flat wit feet flat on the floor. Now exhale and push the body off the floor with the help of feet. Only let the head and neck touch the mat with hands pushed down for support and raise the body. This helps in blood pressure under control, helps to relax the mind, and improves digestion and more. 

Downward facing dog with knees to nose pulse:

This is a variation of the downward facing dog where you pulse your leg (bent at the knee) towards your nose. This is a great asana to melt away the fat from your lower abdomen since those are the muscles get most exercised. 

Keep the body in downward dog position, let your right leg bend at the knees and bring it forward towards the nose and breathe out. Now replace the leg and do the same with the other leg.

Hero Pose with a Lift:

This involves sitting on the feet with the knees together then resting the hands on the thighs and taking a deep breathe in. Now exhale and stretch the arms above the thighs and rise up on the knees. This ends with the final position of lifting the entire body on the knee and hands above the head. Finally lower the hands and body and start from the first position again do this five times in a regular motion.

Read More About Flatter Stomach: http://www.a2zdiet-plan.com/fitness-yoga/yoga-for-stomach/

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tricks To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure does not hurt and even does not have any visible symptoms. However, if not treated, is the cause of cardiovascular that’s heart and blood vessel disease. It can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, causing loss of vision.

High pressure is just definitely not worth underestimated. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce it naturally. Know here diet to lower blood pressure.

1. Stroll : Include in your daily regime brisk walk. Movement helps the body use oxygen more efficiently. A half-hour walk, according to scientists Canterbury Christ Church University effective activity that helps reduce high blood pressure. Learn to breathe into the belly. Abdominal breathing allows oxygen transport into the lower parts of the lungs.

2. Feel free to Breathe : Slow breathing and meditation reduce the production of stress hormones that have an effect on the secretion of renin, a hormone produced by the kidneys, which increases blood pressure . Try a simple relaxation technique. Just five minutes in the morning and evening. Take a deep breath to the abdomen. Exhale and release all your tension.

3. Fill Potassium : Increase the amount of potassium in the diet as potassium is the best diet to lower blood pressure. It acts directly on the blood vessels and expands them. Eating potassium- rich fruits and vegetables is an important part of the diet to lower blood pressure. The foods high in potassium include tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, beans, peas, cantaloupe, honey melon, plums and raisins.

4. Reduce Salt : In the diet, limit the amount of salt (this should not take more than 1500 milligrams per day . That, unfortunately, is found in most preparations and processed foods. So, if it's possible, avoid them. Give priority to home cooking. Instead of salt, use herbs for seasoning, mushrooms and spice mixtures without added salt.

5. Chocolate : Delicacy with cocoa content higher than 70 % due to the high content of flavonoids that reduces blood pressure. 100 g Table them contains 500 milligrams. But we must add that chocolate bar a day is relatively high caloric load.

6. Embrace the Cat : Begin to entertain the idea that you buy a pet or you will at least spend more time with the animals. It is a natural calming ability. Studies have clearly shown that people who spend time with animals, decreases blood pressure.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

15 best ways to avoid holiday weight gain

It is common that during the period of leave each of us has a tendency to pamper yourself, try to relax, indulge and be more. It is also common to drink more alcohol, eat at restaurants and local specialties test, or lie all day just on the beach and sunbathe. All this leads to a shift out of the rut of regular exercise and the balance between energy intake and expenditure. These reasons could leave and short leave a lot of excess pounds and your yearlong effort can be completely thwarted. Here are some of the 15 best ways to avoid holiday weight gain that help you to maintain your figure and body structure.

1. Choose wisely indulgences

When you go on vacation away from home, especially somewhere abroad, so you can be tempting to give up self-control and get to taste the local delicacies. Who knows when you'll have the chance to try again. If you want to taste and prevent weight gain, you must choose not to succumb to the charms and flavors. Once you are sure that the local specialty is really at the top of the list of things you want unconditional taste and enjoy, so to prevent this. Taste, but not eat it all. If you have a dream vacation in Paris have a taste for breakfast some goodies from the local bakery, let them. However, make sure that you then give to lunch or dinner or just less food, like salad.

2. Second Walk or bike

Eat a little more than usual during the holidays is common. If you want to burn, the excess calories as walking on foot or cycling a great way to do it. Rather than explore the city by bus or subway to her go on foot or by bike. You'll see more, save money, and you burn a lot of calories without you even realizing it.

3. Share of food

Holidays often mean eating in a different mode and in other places than usual. When you say vacation; everyone present mainly in restaurants, kiosks and fast food centers. Instead of satisfying your taste buds and impresses your portion size rather than pay attention to your waistline. To minimize the damage concentrate on the beneficial diet food. Split a main dish is a great way to save calories and cash.

4. Order a smaller portion

As well as sharing meals and smaller portions can be a good way to reduce your intake of calories from restaurant meals.

5. Alcohol

Holidays can also slide the consumption of cocktails, wines and beers. Fines are on vacation for more than a few days, so it can have a huge impact on your weight. Try the high energy value of alcohol also remember during the holidays, because you can feel better the next day. In case you want to give your favorite cocktail to order a soft drink flavor.

6. Meals at own expense

Avoid all-inclusive tours, for most people; this way of eating is associated with a significantly higher food intake. If you have during the holidays to prepare the food yourself, it's a great way to control what you eat. You can make healthier and more rational food and have an idea of what you eat and how many calories you receive. Choosing accommodation with preparing your own meals is a good way not only how to control food intake, but also saves a lot of money. Cook on vacation does not mean you have to stay impoverishment of local specialties. You still have a chance to buy local products and taste is so.

7. Choose an active vacation

A guaranteed way to avoid gaining weight during your vacation or even little kilograms to lose weight is to choose an active holiday. Cycling, climbing, water sports, skiing and hiking are activities that can be combined with vacation and have a bonus in the form of burning calories than just lying on the beach. Day actively spent outdoors will let you indulge in good food and a drink and create a more pleasant atmosphere at the end of the day.

8. Keep a food diary and emotions

For many people, emotions and feelings associated with the amount of food consumed. When you're stressed or depressed, I turn to food for comfort (especially the bold food). That you can indeed be happening, but you do know that it's wrong, and it can destroy all your hopes for weight loss. It cannot be easy to operate but a handy tip is to try to keep a food diary and emotions. It's actually a piece of paper (or online diary) where you record what you eat and your daily emotional state. If you do this a few weeks back and you look at the results, you can identify several models and take some precautions.

9. There is no need to determine your daily weight

As I said above, weight loss takes time and every day about your weight persuade this process does not accelerate, but most likely will add more stress and frustration. Instead of trying to weigh once a week, and write the result to your daily meals.

10. Do not use more than one diet or weight loss program

If you decide to pursue a commercial diet or weight loss program then only focus on one program. Good weight loss programs have different phases, each phase has a clear beginning and the end goal. Carefully follow the instructions for the required period and evaluate their results at the end. Mixing different programs together or failure of their instructions not lead to any positive results.

11. Choose your foods wisely

Even if you do not hold "formal" diet, you can selectively choose the type of food you eat make a difference in your weight. Try to eat a well balanced diet containing elements from all groups, including healthy fats . Exclusion of certain food groups, or holding a very restrictive diet is not recommended. Keep in mind that 1 gram of fat has 9 calories compared to 4 calories a gram of protein or carbohydrate. Read about the best foods for weight loss, you understand what is healthy food.

12. Accelerators metabolism

Metabolism is the term used to describe the extent of how our body burns calories. A good way to improve your metabolism is to eat more frequently throughout the day (as explained above). Other ways to increase metabolism have to do with fitness and especially with regular exercise. If you exercise 2-3 times a week, you can increase your metabolism, provided that you gradually increase the effort that you put into training. This means that if you are still exercising at the same pace, sooner or later, that your body gets used to a benefit in terms of weight loss will be minimized. If, on the other hand, increase the repetitions, the degree of difficulty and duration of the exercise, your heart rate will increase and metabolism increases.

13. Be active throughout the day

You do not have to spend long hours in the gym, you are an active person. There are many activities that you can do every day and burn calories without realizing it. For example, instead of using the elevator, try to go up the stairs (where possible), do not park your car in the nearby parking lot when you go to work, but take the opportunity to walk as often as you can. Although these activities are not sufficient if you want to lose a lot of weight, but they are great ways to keep your body and muscles moving. Each activity helps, even if the result is not significant, it is certainly better than sitting all afternoon on the couch and watch TV.

14. Find a sport or hobby

Many people do not like (or not), go to the gym or join a formal fitness class, but still need to lose weight. In this case, comes to the rescue sport. Operate a sport like football, basketball, racquetball (to name a few) is a great way to burn calories by doing something you like and enjoy. This also applies to the hobby. Having a hobby that requires movement, such as rock climbing, swimming, cycling, etc. can have the same benefits as going to the gym or exercise regularly

15. Have fun

You cannot be stressed and working all day and expect to watch your diet or fitness program. You may be able to do in a few weeks, but soon get tired and done. Try to do fun activities at least once or twice a week and fill up your battery power on the performance of the rest of their activities.