There are various ways of having the perfect body in which one can also opt for special diet plans, gym or rigorous exercise. Nevertheless there is yet another way of retaining the right body posture and fitness can be done through the ancient yet highly effective way of doing so through opting for yoga which is one way of getting the body that everyone wants and also retain the trilogy of keeping a healthy body, mind and soul. As it does not only aim at getting the body right, yoga for weight loss but is also a process of meditation that will make the brain and soul free from all the tension of life.
Here are some of the most promising and yet highly progressive ways to do for stomach yoga that will help in maintaining the perfect flat stomach and also make it possible for anyone who wants to get the most endearing figure. Some of the ways to get 10 yoga steps for flatter stomach in 15 minutes five days in a week as:
Warm-Up/Breath Work:
This pose requires sitting in cross-legged position and back straight with closed eyes and deep breathe in from the nose and breathe out from mouth. While breathing in hold for few seconds and then let it out. Repeat it for the whole process for three times the entire process.
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):
It consists of twelve positions that offer different position and affects in different body parts. The entire movement of the muscles and body part affects in different ways that will be accompanied with deep inhaling of air and exhaling. This helps in detoxification of the unwanted materials and air from the body.
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend):
This includes the position of sitting on a yoga mat with feet straight and facing the ceiling, breathe in and stretch the arms in upward motion and bring the hands together. Then bring the hands to touch the toes and the head to touch the thighs for beginners or for others to touch the knees. Then pull the feet backwards and breathe in for 60 seconds and then slowly let it go.
Easy Spinal Twist:
These involve bringing the knees together and roll down into the back and hug the knees into the chest and very gently rock on each side. This will be followed by keeping the right knee into the chest and keep the left leg straight out on the floor. Take deep breath in and while exhaling bring the right knee across the body and keeping the shoulder blade on the floor, now put the right arm straight to the body and shoulders and head facing the right.
Rock Up To Standing:
The position includes lying flat on the floor and with both knees on the chest and gently rock back and forth from the shoulders to hip. In the momentum of it try to rock up into the feet and stand up and hands can be used to push oneself for those who are not well skilled in doing it.
Chair Pose:
As the name suggests the position involves standing and bringing the feet together and lowering the hips to let it sink in like in a sitting position. Then bring the hands in upward position parallel to the ears. Retain the position for 1 minute and forty-five seconds.
This involves lying flat on the mat and putting the feet and arms together in straight position then as breathing lift the chest and feet simultaneously. This includes the arms to be kept straight fingers outstretched towards the toes.
This is also known as bridge pose which involves lying flat wit feet flat on the floor. Now exhale and push the body off the floor with the help of feet. Only let the head and neck touch the mat with hands pushed down for support and raise the body. This helps in blood pressure under control, helps to relax the mind, and improves digestion and more.
Downward facing dog with knees to nose pulse:
This is a variation of the downward facing dog where you pulse your leg (bent at the knee) towards your nose. This is a great asana to melt away the fat from your lower abdomen since those are the muscles get most exercised.
Keep the body in downward dog position, let your right leg bend at the knees and bring it forward towards the nose and breathe out. Now replace the leg and do the same with the other leg.
Hero Pose with a Lift:
This involves sitting on the feet with the knees together then resting the hands on the thighs and taking a deep breathe in. Now exhale and stretch the arms above the thighs and rise up on the knees. This ends with the final position of lifting the entire body on the knee and hands above the head. Finally lower the hands and body and start from the first position again do this five times in a regular motion.
Read More About Flatter Stomach:
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