Thursday, February 26, 2015

10 Proved Ways to Cut 500 Calories a Day

Do you really want to cut or burn calories to see results? It’s just simple! You can drop a pound in a week by shredding 500 calories each day. Actually, one pound is equal to 3,500 calories. To lose a healthy pound a week, you don’t need to stress or add an hour to your routine exercises to burn 500 calories a day.

Follow the below 10 no-sweat tips and get the slim body you want in no time:

  1. Measure portions: Before you eat something, measure the calories you take in. For example, 1 slice of pizza can have up to 600 calories, while a cup of oats has only about 50. 
  2. Move on in your free time: Rather than sitting in one place constantly, move around while you are talking in phone or tap your feet to the music 
  3. Chew your food: Slow down when you are eating!  Because, if you chew at least 20 times before you swallow, you will eat up to 70 calories less at meal time. 
  4. Downsize your plate: Change your 12-inch plate to a 9-inch plate which helps you to cut 500 calories. 
  5. Stay away from sweets: It’s better to stay away from delicious sweets or choose sugar free sweets for save calories. 
  6. Drink up: Try to drink more water, as health experts suggests us to take at least 2 liters in a day. 
  7. Limit salad toppings: It seems good for our health, but we are taking more calories. So, limit your salad toppings
  8. Eat small portions: Rather than eating the whole meal at a time, take a break and eat.
  9. Sleep in: Give good rest to your eyes as if you sleep less than 6 hours you might eat up to 300 calories
  10. Do exercise: Add an hour of exercise to your diet plan, which is good for your health. 
For more Tips for Diet Plan just Order Weight Loss eBook

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